Project Detail: Women Empowerment
The untapped potential of women and girls is gaining greater attention in Kenya.The country’s new constitution, passed in 2010,provides a powerful framework addressing gender,equality.It marks a new beginning for women rights in Kenya;seeking to remedy the traditional exclusion of women and promote their full involvement in every aspect of growth and development.Our programme which seeks to Empower women + Provide opportunities for them = Sustainability is our formula to change the narrative.
- Entrepreneurship
A wise person once said,empower a woman equals to empowering a whole entrepreneurship is one of the programme we have witnessed a lot of success. The idea encompasses the empowerment factor of teen mothers ,taking them through a course that enlightens them on:- Forming of ideas,which will need a plan or what we call a blue print,who can accompany you in your business journey,target group,marketing ,financing etc . This it to equip them more with survival skills in the business world with availing all vital information and attaching them to mentors who see them through their journey. The unique factor of the mentorship is where we attach them with people who are doing same businesses they wish to do,making it easy for them to relate and compare if not emulate.
- Financial Literacy
Its more or less stereotyping or it rather happens that a lot of young people do not have financial management skills which leads to a lot of spend thrift behaviour and unwarranted purchases famously termed as impulse buying. The reasoning fall with having to deal with teen mothers who also want a certain kind of life and any money earned might as well end down the drain. Within this line of thought there was need to empower them with skills on how to manage their finances from the least to the much since in belief that their business will pick with time and the money earned should sustain them. This programme equips them to make sound decisions on money issues and better planning for the future of their children.
- Table Banking
Table banking has for the past proven successful if well implemented and our programme adds a different aspect of bringing the community together via the same.Our belief is that a community that saves and trusts each other on monetary matters,lives peacefully together.We partner to help train the young women to save amongst themselves,with the ability of lending money within themselves hence growing their accounts for future investments. Our goal is to grow them first locally before necessarily seeking outside help.This strengthens their bond and easens future working together and further engagements.
(vi) Micro credit
Grassroot lending and lower rates has been a way to meet many local slum peoples expectations.This is because with daily slum challenges and wish to grow financially ,money becomes an essential and unavoidable factor.A belief that loans are meant to make people more poorer and the rich more richer is one of the issues we had to deal with.Hence with all the monetary programmes and opening them up to money matters this part of the programme is an immediate solution to the many that have already grown in their business.This comes after a follow up of their journey in business growth and reports from the mentors plus a well good statement from the table banking group then we offer some money via our partners with a low rate 5 percent and below interest.The idea in the long term should be able to open sacco’s in the different areas we work in.